IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Chapter Bangalore (VTSoC)

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) is an applications-oriented society of IEEE, with technical activities concentrated around three pillars: Wireless Communications, Land Transportation, and Motor Vehicles.
     • Mobile radio shall include all terrestrial mobile services.
     • Motor vehicles shall include the components and systems and motive power for propulsion and auxiliary functions.
     • Land transportation shall include the components & systems used in both automated and non-automated facets of ground transport technology.

VTS Bangalore chapter

It is one of the most dynamic and vibrant chapters in India and the R10 region. The chapter hosts conferences that bring together thought leaders, industry experts, and technology enthusiasts from around the globe. Among its notable activities are workshops that delve into cutting-edge technologies, providing hands-on experience and practical knowledge to the participants. The VTS Bangalore chapter also organizes technology talks, where experts from various fields share their insights on current and future technological developments.


The function of the Society is to promote its objectives through the leadership of its Officers and Members in encouraging the exchange of both technical and professional information among members of the Society, and other groups, societies, and chapters of the IEEE. This function is accomplished by means of:

  • Sponsoring technical conferences and seminars

  • Publication of technical journals and books

  • Awards of recognition for excellence

  • Participation in the development of standards

  • Membership support activities


Be the association of reference for VT professionals’ needs in the areas of life-long learning, standards creation, dissemination of new technologies and networking.


Click out the history of VTS here:

IEEE Bangalore Section

The IEEE Bangalore Section was established in 1977 and is one of the most vibrant and dynamic IEEE sections across the globe. The membership is spread across various sectors and is a nice blend of Industry, Academia, and Research organizations. IEEE Bangalore Section won the prestigious MGA Outstanding Large Section Award (2013 & 2019) and the R10 Distinguished Large Section Award for the year 2013.
Bangalore Section has 3 Subsections (Mangalore, Mysore & North Karnataka), 22 Society Chapters (very few sections across the globe have these many), and 3 affinity groups (Young Professional, Women in Engineering, and Life Member). The Chapters carry out focused activities in their respective areas by conducting technical talks under DLT, seminars, workshops, conferences, etc.